About Us &


Our Vision

To teach the Bible and to see all people anchored in Gods Truth & become who they were created to be.

Our Beliefs

We are recipients of an ancient and global faith spanning from the first century near east, down through the millennia, and across every continent.
There are different expressions and traditions but one core message. We didn’t make it up and it’s not ours to change, but it is ours to believe, to enjoy, and to share: see WHAT WE BELIEVE >

Our Leaders

We are blessed with faithful leaders who desire to lead like Jesus -- by becoming servants and seeing His church loved, cared for, equipped, and sent out on mission together -- for God's glory & our joy!

Jason Frei

Lead Pastor | bio >

Phil & Sheeva Peters

Elder, Finance | bio >

Albert & Beng Abude

Elder, Home Groups & Hospitality | bio

Don & Mary Winslow

Pastor/Elder, Bookeeper | bio

Jeff & Shannon Templin

Men's Ministry & CC Educator | bio

Mrs. Beth Marsh

JP & Zoey Meyer

Jay & Jasmin Lopez

Worship & Admin | bio

Roz Robertson

Brittany & Randy Rhodes

Lead UsherKids | bio

Corban & Jade Dean

Young Adults & Youth | bio

Jodi Ferreira-Tilley

Sean Tilley

Head Deacon, Men's Leader | bio

Safety Team


Jojo & Liza Dungca

"I will build my church, and the gates of Hell will not overcome it."

-- Jesus of Nazareth