( a g e s  1 8 - 30 - i s h )


N E X T ▶︎

Weekly Gatherings:

Join us WEEKLY as we hang out, get in the Word, worship, and more!
  • WHEN: Wednesday evenings @ 7pm. (6:30pm is fine too for extra fellowship time)
  • WHERE: At homes in the San Mateo Village (near Hillsdale Mall - ASK FOR DIRECTIONS >
  • WHAT: Bible study, worship, light refreshments, and an all-around good time.


Upcoming Event(s):

  • Praying about our next MISSION TRIP


We will also be doing a lot of hanging out, outreach on Sundays after church, and other events as a group, so you'll want to GET CONNECTED >


To see young adults sink deep roots in Christ & His Church, and to be built up strong -- laying an unshakeable foundation for their future. Come out, explore the faith, push as hard as you can against it because it can bear the weight, and then become that unshakable foundation under your feet.

Join our GroupMe chat:

Questions? Comments? Need anything!?


▶︎ Get ready to engage your 🧠...

We have created & curated the most robust & connected Apologetics hub on the internet! This is (so far) requiring 2 pages of content (as not to bog each down) so we hope you are able to be equipped by it. As you live out and share your faith you will no doubt have (and be asked) many questions, so you need to know WHAT YOU BELIEVE AND WHY YOU BELIEVE IT.
The Truth Project is (12) one-hour video sessions that asks, "What is truth?" in every area of life. Jesus said, "The truth shall set you free," so we want to know and live for that which is True. You can go to our Truth page and watch them on-demand. #spoileralert - they're good!


"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ."

📖 Colossians 2:6-8
