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JULY 15 -19

⏰  8:30am - 12pm (each day)

( *4yrs -11yrs old )

"When you go through deep waters, I will be with you"

— God

                  (Isaiah 43:2)

There is no greater investment than our children and there is nothing greater that they could know besides God's love and purpose for them. Send us your Kids and we'll dive deep into the Truth of God's Word, have some fun, eat some snacks, sing some songs, and go a lil' crazy...then give them back to you! 😉

Our theme is  DIVE DEEP and we'll be diving deep into God's love, truth, and hope for these kids!

Our VBS is FREE! If you'd like to donate so we can reach more kids we'd gladly receive that blessing.
You can give online here.

We hope your Kids (and your friends kids) can join us!

Sign up your Kids here👇🏽

Inviting anyone? Need a flyer? We've got some, or you can share this link and / or save / print this image:

Any questions? Comments? Please CONNECT with us.